Remove custom face height stuff

Sigh, this still isn't working as well as I'd hoped. Time for more
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Seth Morabito 2022-09-20 10:07:08 -07:00
parent 6c867172eb
commit 3c984cf62a
1 changed files with 1 additions and 38 deletions

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@ -491,43 +491,7 @@ preference, and set the default face to the first one available. Of
course, if Emacs is not running in a windowing system, this is
But there's one problem! Face height on HiDPI displays does not scale
well, so if you alternate back and forth between HiDPI displays and
regular displays (like I do) you'll quickly get frustrated with tiny
fonts or huge fonts, depending on what default height you pick. So, we
will use a function to get the current display DPI and decide what
height the default face should be based on that.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
;; Stolen blatently from Stack Overflow
(defun loomcom--dpi (&optional frame)
"Get the DPI of FRAME (or current if nil)."
(cl-flet ((pyth (lambda (w h)
(sqrt (+ (* w w)
(* h h)))))
(mm2in (lambda (mm)
(/ mm 25.4))))
(let* ((atts (frame-monitor-attributes frame))
(pix-w (cl-fourth (assoc 'geometry atts)))
(pix-h (cl-fifth (assoc 'geometry atts)))
(pix-d (pyth pix-w pix-h))
(mm-w (cl-second (assoc 'mm-size atts)))
(mm-h (cl-third (assoc 'mm-size atts)))
(mm-d (pyth mm-w mm-h)))
(/ pix-d (mm2in mm-d)))))
Now we use the calculated DPI to set a scaling factor on the default
face height.
#+BEGIN_SRC emacs-lisp
(defun loomcom--default-face-height ()
"Return the optimum face height for the current display."
(let ((dpi (loomcom--dpi))
(target-height 120.0)
(target-dpi 90.0))
(floor (* dpi (/ target-height target-dpi)))))
(when window-system
(let* ((families '("Hack"
"Fira Code"
@ -544,8 +508,7 @@ face height.
(when (member fam (font-family-list))
(cl-return fam)))))
(set-face-attribute 'default nil
:family selected-family
:height (loomcom--default-face-height))))
:family selected-family)))
** Window Frame